The Upton Branch Library will be holding a used book sale October 24 - 28. If you are thinking about clearing out your book shelves or movie racks, now is the time to do so. The Upton Branch Library welcomes your donated books (except encyclopedias, text books and Reader's Digest condensed books). We also accept movies, books on CD, music CDs etc. If you would like to donate please bring your items to the Upton Library.
The Upton Branch Library will also be hosting a bake sale on Tuesday, October 25 during normal library hours. We need donated goodies for this sale. Cookies, cakes, pies, breads and etc. are all welcome.
If you have questions about these sales or other things, please call the Upton Branch Library and the staff will be happy to assist you. Phone: 307-468-2324 Hours: Monday-Friday 12:00-5:30 p.m.