I realize it has been awhile since I have updated this blog. Summer has been very busy at the Upton Branch Library.
Our Summer Reading Program has officially ended as of July 24. For the children signed up for the program, if you have not finished, you may still finish and receive a prize for reading your books. We still have prizes left and if you finish up before school starts you will still be awarded a prize, so keep on reading.
The Upton Branch Library has been donated some used library shelving and we are in the process of rearranging the existing shelving to make room for this additional shelving we are getting. Things are sort of mixed up right now, so if you cannot locate the item you need, please ask us to assist you.
This used shelving should give us an additional amount of shelving for our growing young adult collection. Also we should have more room in our picture book area. Things will be tight but we need the additional shelving for all of the new books we have been able to add in the past couple of years.
Please come by and check out your local library. The book collection is ever changing and has something for everyone. Enjoy your local library.